How to Remove Chalk Marker

How to Remove Chalk Marker – Clean Up Chalk Without Ghosting

Chalk markers are a great way to exercise your creative flair, but most people do not realize that they are semi-permanent, making them much harder to remove from surfaces. The good news is that we have provided you with the information needed for removing chalk marker from different surfaces. Below, you will find a variety of tips and tricks that will assist you when trying to erase chalk marker from a range of surfaces. Let’s get going!



The Most Effective Chalk Marker Cleaners

Unlike conventional chalk, the marker version uses a liquid ink that saturates and can be absorbed into the surface it is used on. This means that cleaning chalk marker can be quite difficult, leaving ghosting all over your chalkboard and other surfaces.

Chalk Marker Pen Removal Tips

As expected, when looking at different methods that are related to how to remove chalk marker stains, there are a few products that work much better than others. Keep in mind that there are a few substitutes that can be used in place of these, but we recommend trying these first.



Chalk Marker Remover

There are other detergents specifically designed to remove chalk marks from surfaces. Many of these chalk marker removers are packaged in a bottle that is equipped with a spray nozzle, so all you need to do is spritz and wipe. There are other variants that are sold in a container with a sponge tip that looks like a squeegee.

These items are normally more expensive than buying Windex, vinegar, or magic erasers individually, but it is entirely up to you and what you are willing to spend. This is an incredibly effective method if you are learning how to get liquid chalk off chalkboard surfaces.



When you run out of magic erasers, Windex is an outstanding replacement. Simply spray it over the chalkboard area you drew on and wipe it away. After that, you will probably discover that you have some ghost pictures left over. To remove these pictures, use the broad end of a standard piece of chalk to prepare the chalkboard surface.

Clean Chalk Marker with Window Cleaner

Allow the area to dry for a few minutes before re-spraying it with Windex. When you wipe it clean with Windex again, you will see that this procedure eliminates any remnant left by your chalkboard markers.


Magic Eraser

This item is a white sponge that is ideal for cleaning smudges and markings off walls and it is quite affordable as well as simple to use. Simply moisten the sponge with water before wiping off your surface as you would with a standard sponge. This procedure is ideal for learning how to get liquid chalk off chalkboard surfaces that have been painted, such as doors, walls, and frames.

Off-brand magic erasers perform just as well if you want to save money.



There may be some residue left behind from the chalk markers after cleaning for the first time. To remove the residue, simply substitute the water with a tiny bit of vinegar, which will make the entire cleaning procedure faster and simpler. The chalkboard area will also be disinfected, which is a bonus on its own. For this option, simply use normal white vinegar.

Use Vinegar to Clean Chalk Marker



Removing Chalk Marker from Specific Surfaces

Chalk marker cannot be removed from every type of surface with the same method. Fortunately, we have a cheat sheet that you can use that will make it much easier when removing chalk marker from different types of surfaces.


Using Windex for Glass Surfaces

Windex is an excellent glass surface cleaner that may also be used to remove chalk stains from windows, glasses, and mirrors. Windex may be used to remove any kind of stain or ghosting from your surface.

Allowing Windex to rest on the surface for five minutes before gently wiping off the artwork is the secret to removing chalk marker from glass surfaces.


Using Soapy Water for Metal Surfaces

If you happen to have a metal tumbler or any metal surface, you may remove your artwork using a soapy mixture. To guarantee that your surface or paintings are not harmed, use a less abrasive liquid soap. You want to make an equal parts combination of warm soap and water. Spray this mixture on your metal surface and use a sponge to remove the chalk marker.

Soap and Water Removes Chalk Marker


Using Water and Vinegar for Wood

Since wood is a porous material, erasing chalk marks can be difficult. It will take patience, time, and a proper mixture of vinegar and water to successfully remove the art off this surface.

In accordance with the size of the artwork, combine four parts of water to one part vinegar.

Soak a cloth into the solution instead of spraying it on the artwork. Then, in a circular motion, carefully wash the wooden surface to help erase all the chalk ink, even in the cracks. You will find that this is a great way to learn how to remove chalk marker.


Using a Damp Cloth for Blackboards

Since they are constructed of wood or slate; chalkboards and blackboards are the typical surfaces for chalk markers and chalk. Since these are porous materials, they absorb liquids, making it increasingly difficult to remove chalk marker stains from the surface.

Clean Chalk Marker with Damp Cloth

It is critical to know if your blackboard top is non-porous, as this will make cleaning the ink from the surface much easier. To erase your artwork off a blackboard, rub it with a moist towel for about five minutes to assist with removing the colors. After waiting, wipe the area until all of the chalk has been removed.



Removing Chalk Marker Stains from Porous Surfaces

If you have painted a porous surface, you may have observed that it is difficult to totally remove the color left behind by chalk markers since it is absorbed into the surface right away. But do not be concerned. A pore is a small hole in the surface of anything. They are present on your skin as well as porous surfaces.

Because non-porous materials lack these microscopic holes, they are extraordinarily smooth to the touch.

Any of the procedures listed below can keep your porous surfaces clean and pristine.

  • Ammonia-based chalkboard cleaner: This will aid in the removal of liquid chalk markers from porous surfaces. Some people dilute ammonia and use window cleaner. Subsequently, most retail window cleaners are little more than diluted ammonia with a splash of appealing coloring added.
  • Baby wipes: These are effective in removing wet chalk marker artwork. They will not remove paint from walls because they are designed for gentle, sensitive skin. You might need to use a few and put in some work, but the results will be worth it.
  • Magic eraser: A name brand or even a generic “magic eraser” can also be used to remove liquid chalk markers from porous areas. In fact, it is so powerful that it may remove paint, so try it on a hidden place first before tackling the biggest job.

There are different types of porous surfaces such as wood, fabric, paper, concrete, chalkboard-painted walls, and chalkboard-painted MDF. It is important to understand the significance behind the surface, but we will touch on that in the next paragraph. All you need to know is that surface type has a big impact on what removes chalk marker.



Removing Chalk Marker Stains from Non-Porous Surfaces

It should not be too difficult to remove chalk marker ink from metal, glass, and other non-porous chalkboards. To begin, try cleaning the entire surface using a clean, moist towel. To get rid of more stubborn ink, submerge the area in water for three to five minutes before you begin cleaning.

If water is not adequate (for instance, if the ink has been left on the board for a long period), a chalkboard as well as a whiteboard cleaning kit is the best option.

Non-Toxic Cleaners for Chalk Marker

A spray solution, an eraser, plus a microfiber towel are typically included in chalkboard cleaning kits. It is best to ensure that the cleaning agent is water-based and non-toxic so that children may use it safely as well. If these techniques fail to do the trick, there are a few alternative cleansers you may try.



Understanding Different Surfaces

Non-porous surfaces, such as metal, glass, or non-porous chalkboards, function best with chalk markers. Any ink that seeps into porous materials like wood, concrete, paper, and so on can be trapped by those microscopic pores. This is usually what results in ghosting, and it clarifies why the problem is so frustratingly difficult to resolve.

The chalk residue is not just on the surface, but embedded in it. It is difficult to completely remove something you cannot access.

Although it may appear strange, some chalkboards need to be more usable with chalk markers. As you can see from the preceding lists, there are several sorts of chalkboards; most are porous, while others are not. We recommend inquiring with your supplier about the precise sort of chalkboard they offer. There are different types of chalkboards available and you will need to learn how to remove chalk marker from each one.

  • Porcelain sheet: High-quality and heavy-duty, porcelain sheet chalkboards are guaranteed to never ghost. These are a bit more expensive but are commonly used in offices and homes.
  • Slate: A non-porous material that is coarse and inconsistent to the touch. Slate chalkboards are utilized to provide a rustic, antique appearance. They are another variation of a chalkboard that cannot ghost.
  • Plastic (acrylic or PVC): This is probably the most popular form of chalkboard currently available. Although high-quality plastic/acrylic chalkboards are erased quite well, some ghosting can happen.
  • MDF wood coated with chalkboard paint: These represent the low-quality chalkboards that can be purchased for $10. They are meant to be used with regular chalk, not chalk markers. We recommend avoiding this style of board if you want to use chalk markers as it will be impossible to clean.


Seasoning a Chalkboard

Seasoning your chalkboard is similar to priming a wall before painting; it allows the chalk or chalk marker to draw more smoothly and readily. All you require is a regular white chalk stick. Spread the chalk on its side lightly over the entire surface of your chalkboard. Swipe up and down across the chalkboard to cover it completely. Then, repeat the action, but this time move side to side.

How to Season a Chalkboard



Preventing Chalkboard Stains

You are probably quite motivated to avoid ghosting from happening again now that you understand how to wipe chalk markers quickly (or effortlessly as the surface permits). Here are some last suggestions for keeping your surfaces ghost-free.

  • Confirm if the surface of your chalkboard can be compatible with chalk markers.
  • Be sure to prime your chalkboards by covering them in a light layer of chalk and then giving them a dry wipe. This would make it easier for you to prevent ghosting.
  • Conduct spot tests whenever you can.
  • Only write on a small portion of the board.
  • Wait for the chalk marker ink to fully dry.
  • Try erasing the chalk marker ink with a clean, damp cloth. If the surface is designed for chalk markers, the ink should easily be erased.


Learning how to remove chalk marker ink from different surfaces can be a bit challenging, but if you are someone who usually uses this type of product, it is worth it. The tips and tricks that we have provided should make it easier for you to remove this type of ink from any sort of chalkboard surface. We hope that you find it as simple as we did – good luck with removing your chalk!




Frequently Asked Questions


Is It Easy to Learn How to Remove Chalk Marker from Different Surfaces?

Yes, it is! There are plenty of tried and tested removal methods that employ common household items and products. Not only is it easy, but it is also much cheaper than repainting or refinishing a particular surface.


What Is the Easiest Way to Erase Chalk Marker?

This depends on the surface that you are working on. It is much easier to remove chalk marker from glass than a porous surface such as wood. However, if you have the right product and technique, it will be even easier to remove stubborn chalk marker stains.


What Removes Chalk Marker?

There are a variety of factors that you would need to consider before you can figure out how to remove chalk marker from a particular surface. Factors such as understanding when the chalk marker was applied and what type of surface it has been applied to need to be considered before you begin. 


Cite this Article

Jordan, Anthony, “How to Remove Chalk Marker – Clean Up Chalk Without Ghosting.” artfilemagazine – Your Online Art Source. December 11, 2023. URL:

Anthony, J. (2023, 11 December). How to Remove Chalk Marker – Clean Up Chalk Without Ghosting. artfilemagazine – Your Online Art Source.

Anthony, Jordan. “How to Remove Chalk Marker – Clean Up Chalk Without Ghosting.” artfilemagazine – Your Online Art Source, December 11, 2023.

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